Please turn your phone!
Pascal Vötsch

Anna Wagner
Bettina Janach

Antonia Fabian

Dr. Nachtstrom

Soundportal In Concert

Brass Against (US)


We have been closely following the developments of COVID-19, and today we have made the tough decision to reschedule our all upcoming European shows that begin on March 23rd.

The health and safety of our fans and touring team is our top priority, and based on the information from the various government agencies, WHO, and our CDC in the United States, we feel there is no way we could safely complete this tour.

Tickets purchased for this tour will be honored at the new dates, and inquiries regarding refunds can be directed to the point of purchase.

We are working on rescheduling dates for later in the year or at the latest early 2021. We will have information soon, and we appreciate your patience and understanding while we sort this out.

Please be safe and take care of one another.

- Brad, Sophia, Andy, Mariel, Wayne, Tyler, Nathan, Corey

In this politically challenging era, it’s time to stand up against the machine. Brass Against is a collective of artists, led and curated by Brad Hammonds, who share in the goal of creating brass protest music that calls fans to action. We want the music we perform to sound inspiring and resonate with people’s emotions, encouraging them to act. We combine rock and edgy hip-hop to play music that's powerful and empowering. Brass Against is exceptional music with a political edge.


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